Sha’arei Sisterhood

“Nothing takes place by accident!”

Sha’arei Sisterhood was initiated by just 3 members in September 2013.   Our membership has grown and so has our mission.  We now have a solid group of volunteers that have a vital role in serving the synagogue.   Here are some of our activities:

Kiddushim:  We make, or have sponsors for, a Shabbat celebratory meal after morning services, making them bountiful enough to serve the entire congregation.  As a result, the congregation remains to eat together and share in this important part of Shabbat.  Members can use them to celebrate a simcha (Bar/Bat Mitzvah, birthday, anniversary), for a yartzeit commemoration, or just to be a part of the fun!

  • High Holiday and festival greeters
  • Decorating the Sukkah
  • Polishing the silver on the Torah Scrolls for the High Holidays
  • Book Club: We welcome new attendees in reading one book per month by a Jewish author or with Jewish content.
  • Speaker series: This was initiated this year (2016). Check our activity calendar for upcoming events.

Sisterhood is always looking for new members with fresh ideas and we donate our hard-earned proceeds to help Sha’arei grow.  Anyone can become a member, and dues are only $18 per year.  Your involvement can range from merely attending one of our monthly meetings, helping set goals, or donating time or money to support a project you feel good about. 

Please join us!

Get involved. Email [email protected]

  Kiddush sponsors
Click here to view the list of Kiddush sponsors for this year
  Kiddush Requirements
Click here to view the full requirements document for preparing your own Kiddush
  Sponsor an upcoming Kiddush

Do you have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Birthday, Yartzeit, Anniversary etc.? Share your occasion with your family and friends at shul.

$350 - Basic Kiddush
$495 - Basic Plus Kiddush
$600 - Deluxe Kiddush (Requires 7 weeks advance notice)

Click here for the full menu for each one of the options

Co-sponsor option is available. Holidays and special events: Call for information.