Sha’arei Sisterhood “Nothing takes place by accident!” Sha’arei Sisterhood was initiated by just 3 members in September 2013. Our membership has grown and so has our mission. We now have a solid group of volunteers that have a vital role in serving the synagogue. Here are some of our activities: Kiddushim: We make, or have sponsors for, a Shabbat celebratory meal after morning services, making them bountiful enough to serve the entire congregation. As a result, the congregation remains to eat together and share in this important part of Shabbat. Members can use them to celebrate a simcha (Bar/Bat Mitzvah, birthday, anniversary), for a yartzeit commemoration, or just to be a part of the fun!
Sisterhood is always looking for new members with fresh ideas and we donate our hard-earned proceeds to help Sha’arei grow. Anyone can become a member, and dues are only $18 per year. Your involvement can range from merely attending one of our monthly meetings, helping set goals, or donating time or money to support a project you feel good about. Please join us!