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  • Registration is now open for the 2024-25 Academic Year

    Please Register Below
  • Why Chabad Hebrew School?

  • Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh puts an emphasis on bringing Judaism to life, where our motto is:

    Learn it. Live it. Love it. 

    The daily schedule includes

    Breakfast:  In addition to providing a hearty meal for our students, we use this opportunity to introduce them to the Brachot (prayers) on food and drink and encourage their conversational Hebrew with Milat HaShavua, the word/phrase of the week!

    Tefilah: Your child will learn the traditional Jewish prayers, including how to read from a Siddur (prayer book). They will feel at home when you're in Synagogue on Shabbat or Holidays! Most importantly, they will know that their voice is an important one in the Jewish Community and in their individual relationship with G-d.

    Traditions, Observances & Values:Your child will explore the wealth of Jewish history, traditions, holidays, customs and values. A wealth of Jewish knowledge will be at their fingertips, guiding them through their lives as proud Jews and integral parts of the Jewish Community.

    Aleph Champ Hebrew Reading & Writing: Using the Aleph Champ learning model, your child will learn to read and write in Hebrew. Familiarity with the Hebrew language is crucial to encouraging comfort and familiarity in reading the prayers, reading the Torah, and learning conversational Hebrew.

    Break Time: Your child will be given the opportunity for some down-time, to relax and play and form their own community with Jewish peers.

  • Who is Hebrew School for?

  • Chabad Hebrew School is for all Jewish children starting from Preschool-8th Grade. Our Hebrew School program includes:


    NEW: Weekly preschool class with Morah Gal & Morah Brocha

    Kindergarten-Elementary School

    Weekly Hebrew School class

    3rd-8th Grade

    JewQ on Wednesday evenings from 4:45-6:15 PM

    Middle School

    Our middle school curriculum, also known as Cteen Jr. is a special track of prep/post Bar & Bat Mitzvah learning, with volunteer opportunities and memorable trips and experiences throughout.

  • Sunday Schedule

  • Annual Calendar

    View our 2024-25 Calendar here

    Start Date: 

    Sunday, September 8: Open House / First Day


    Kindergarten-8th Grade: 9:45-11:45
    Preschool (3-4 yr.): 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


    A hearty breakfast is served at 9:45 each morning for students and parents alike. While breakfast is part of the core- Hebrew School day for K-9,  we invite parents to join to encourage community building with our Hebrew School families. 

    Preschool parents are encouraged to join breakfast at 9:45 as well, but must stay with their children until class begins at 10:00.


    Your child's success is dependent on timely arrival and consistent attendance. Each week in Hebrew School is precious in forming these connections and instilling the values necessary for their Jewish future.

  • Wednesday Evening: JewQ

  • Wednesday' evening's class is focused on JewQ, an international Jewish learning competition. Optional tests are encouraged throughout, culminating in a grand Shabbaton in NYC at the end of the year.

    Wednesday classes run from 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM.

  • Volunteer

  • Cteen : Our Hebrew school is blessed & fortunate to have the students who graduate, as well as other teens, return as volunteers in our Hebrew School. In this volunteer program we offer leadership opportunity as well as incentives, including discounted CteenU courses, discounted International Shabbaton registrations and other forms of appreciation. The daily structure includes both assisting in younger class, as well as interactive discussions with Rabbi Wilschanski on the topics of interest to teens today. 

    These volunteer hours are also eligible as community service hours.

    Parents: Parents are encouraged to get involved, as the saying goes, it takes a village...  Please speak to Morah Brocha to see in which capacity your strengths and experience can be most helpful.

  • Scholarships

  • It is our belief and guiding principal that every Jewish child deserves the opportunity for a Jewish education. 

    No child will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please call Rabbi Mendy at 919-747-9143 to discuss scholarship opportunities (if needed).


  • Your Child/ren's Information

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  • Child # 2 Info

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  • Child # 3 Info

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  • Family Information


  • I authorize any adult acting on behalf of Chabad of Raleigh - Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Chabad Hebrew School personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to such treatment.

    I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all school activities & class trips on and beyond school property, and I allow my child to be photographed for publication while participating in Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh activities.

    I understand that in the event I need to take my child out of Hebrew School before January 1st the cost will be prorated. after November 1st there will be no refunds.

    I have completed the enrollment form and will take care of the appropriate payment for my children to attend Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh.

  • Pick a Date

    The following document is a tuition agreement for Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh. The agreement explains the tuition fees and payment plans. Please read through it carefully and sign it on the line below. The signed tuition agreement along with payment must be submitted to the school office before any child will be permitted to attend classes.
  • Tuition Fees 2024 - 2025:

    Preschool age: $600/Year plus a $75 security fee per family.

    K-2nd: $800/Year* plus a $75 security fee per family.

    3rd-8th: $880/Year* plus a $75 security fee per family.

    * The fee includes all books, supplies, and weekly snacks. 


    *Sha'arei Israel - Chabad of Raleigh Members: Receive a 15% discount on tuition.

    *To learn more / sign up for synagogue membership email [email protected] or call (919) 847-8986

    Early bird: Register by August 11th for a $50 discount per family

    Sibling discount $50 off (per additional sibling/s)

    *Refer a family: to our Hebrew School and receive $100 off your tuition.

    *New Family Discount: $100 off. (Discount only applies to K-8th program)


    Please note: There is a 3% surcharge for all credit card payments.

    *To learn more / sign up for synagogue membership email [email protected] or call (919) 847-8986

    The tuition invoice will be sent to you AFTER registration is complete. We will only charge the $75 security fee to guarantee your spot in our Hebrew School.

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page.
    Checks should be made out to Chabad of Raleigh.
    Billing Address
  • Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh will never turn a Jewish child away due to lack of funds.

    If the above tuition agreement would present any difficulties, we are willing to help. To request financial aid, please call Rabbi Mendy at the Chabad Hebrew School office at 919-747-9143 or email  [email protected] to request a financial aid application form. The form must be submitted by September 8th 2024 for consideration.


    Refunds for children withdrawing from school before the end of the school year will be pro-rated (other than the book & security fee) provided that the school office is given 30 days written notice. Tuition refunds will not be granted to children withdrawing from school after November 1. There are no refunds or credits for days missing due to illness, holidays, or family vacations.

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