Chabad Hebrew School of Raleigh puts an emphasis on bringing Judaism to life, where our motto is:
Learn it. Live it. Love it.
The daily schedule includes
Breakfast: In addition to providing a hearty meal for our students, we use this opportunity to introduce them to the Brachot (prayers) on food and drink and encourage their conversational Hebrew with Milat HaShavua, the word/phrase of the week!
Tefilah: Your child will learn the traditional Jewish prayers, including how to read from a Siddur (prayer book). They will feel at home when you're in Synagogue on Shabbat or Holidays! Most importantly, they will know that their voice is an important one in the Jewish Community and in their individual relationship with G-d.
Traditions, Observances & Values:Your child will explore the wealth of Jewish history, traditions, holidays, customs and values. A wealth of Jewish knowledge will be at their fingertips, guiding them through their lives as proud Jews and integral parts of the Jewish Community.
Aleph Champ Hebrew Reading & Writing: Using the Aleph Champ learning model, your child will learn to read and write in Hebrew. Familiarity with the Hebrew language is crucial to encouraging comfort and familiarity in reading the prayers, reading the Torah, and learning conversational Hebrew.
Break Time: Your child will be given the opportunity for some down-time, to relax and play and form their own community with Jewish peers.